@nationalportraitgallery grand reopening to the public!
We love @traceyeminstudio 's doors a powerful gatekeeper for the future of the arts in the UK. Bold, brassy, strong and beautiful with a sense of depth and fragility also.
The refurbishment is stunning, the new entrance completely opens up the gallery and yourself and the paintings can feel the breath of space that has been given to the gallery!
With a new entrance 2 new restaurants, a reopened wing, restoration and rejuvenation of the collection and a whole new learning centre for education has been worth the wait and money well spent.
If you haven't checked it out for yourself yet then I recommend popping along next time your in town.
National Portrait Gallery
St Martin's Place London, WC2H 0HE
+44(0)20 7306 0055
Admission free. Donations welcome
Open Daily: 10:30 - 18:00 Friday & Saturday 10:30 - 21:00